Recent content by Saltrock

  1. Saltrock

    The truth about minimum wage and income inequality

    Sounds like after they fucked up they got converted to a GSE. Which leads me to believe they were a NGO prior to Sept 6, 2008. Peace Salt
  2. Saltrock

    North Korea News : North Koreas War On USA - 2 Million given free camoflauge

    Heheheh, the tiny one can't take a hint, Heheheheh. He doesn't understand he's small. Hehehehehhe has tiny hands
  3. Saltrock

    Funny how things work

    And how are these agencies and firms paid for? How are these firms and agencies not just as susceptible to corruption and collusion? Who oversees them and make sure they are doing their job right? Peace Salt
  4. Saltrock

    Funny how things work

    Well who does the overseeing in a civilization with no government? Tell me more about how the private sector will do this from enforcement all the way to prosecution. Peace Salt
  5. Saltrock

    Funny how things work

    My hope would be us. I would hope that once government becomes to oppressive, we would revolt. What are these freedoms you speak of that restricted you from enjoying this beautiful land? That is a good question. I imagine when government becomes big enough to where you can't even function...
  6. Saltrock

    Funny how things work

    Yes anything created by man is imperfect, but as imperfect as the government is, I can't imagine self governance by people as an individual or corporations with no oversight. We had a time in early american history where private industry ruled the land with little oversight and we see how that...
  7. Saltrock

    Just finished our tax returns

    I feel like some of the people that don't want to be forced to pay taxes are the same people who don't want to be forced to pay for healthcare. So now not only do I have to pay for a portion of your medical bills , I have to pay for a portion of the roads that you drive on. Also I will pay for...
  8. Saltrock

    Gingrich Fires On Rove

    I am sure super pacs have been discussed before on this site. I wanted to bring it up again. I am totally against super pacs. Doesn't matter what side is using them. I think it is totally wrong to have a organization playing the middleman, taking in mass amounts of money from millionaires...
  9. Saltrock

    Will the War be over next year?

    Republican pro lifers would never go for it, unless the problem is right smack in front of their face. Just like most humans we deny and reject most problems until their too big to ignore. Funny little flaw that we have. Peace Salt
  10. Saltrock

    Will the War be over next year?

    I don't know how we are going to turn over security to the afgans and expect them to do the job. I don't really care what happens after we leave tbh. I just want our troops home. I am tired of war. Our military is fatigued, we have people going on their 5th and 6th tours. Which makes it even...
  11. Saltrock

    9.00 minimum wage is not enough...

    Cause hanging out in hospitals is so worth it. You spend all your time in the hospital, have fun. Who will ever look out for your corn? You currently don't have healthcare? Peace Salt
  12. Saltrock

    can anyone defeat hillary?

    Not only nope, but fuck nope. No one would beat her. The mess that the GOP is in right now, they can't even put out a speech without getting nervous cotton mouth. ; ) I think the only one that would come kind of close would be Chris Christie. He is not as nutty as the other options. Peace Salt
  13. Saltrock

    9.00 minimum wage is not enough...

    I pay 68 a month in ins. Won't their be help for the people that are making under a certain amount? Like a subsidy? Peace Salt
  14. Saltrock

    cheering for dormer!

    I was thinking the same thing myself as I was taking my morning piss. I think the police should be on the hook for this. There is also audio tape of some of the cops saying , burn the house, burn the fucking house. So I am not so sure that tear gas was the cause of the fire. I thought Dorner...
  15. Saltrock

    State of the Union address

    Lets praise big business, wall street and banks to big to fail to big to prosecute. If big government is wrong then these guys must be right. Peace Salt