Recent content by Raka

  1. R

    early flowering

    yes, honestly I can't quite understand whether they have entered full bloom or not... they seem to be in an intermediate phase... they certainly have many pre-flowers, many more than those usually seen once the plant has reached maturity sexual...
  2. R

    early flowering

    it seems that all the plants show many pre-flowers, it seems that they are quite confused... I am heartened to hear your experience, because I really don't know what to do, whether to remove them and put in new starts
  3. R

    early flowering

    Could a topping help the plant?
  4. R

    early flowering

  5. R

    early flowering

    Yes, I have already brought the light cycle to 15 hours, but in any case the intention was to move them outdoors these days... the hours of light outdoors are around 15 hours and are increasing... even if I found out that the plants I moved outdoors have also started flowering, what do you...
  6. R

    early flowering

    I just hope that the other plants I transplanted outdoors the day before yesterday are doing well... but I have a bad feeling. She didn't want us! starting to sow again in mid-May is not a tragedy, but still two months of wasted money and work. I checked the notes from previous years and...
  7. R

    early flowering

    I know the difference between pre-flowers and the beginning of flowering... I'll post photos tomorrow, however I can assure you that floral clusters are forming. When you see 4-6 pistillate calyxes on all the tips of the plant, they are not just preflowers which indicate sexual maturity but it...
  8. R

    early flowering

    I have two plants that I still need to move outdoors that seem to have come into flower. They are about a month and a half old and are under fluorescent lights 14.5 hours light / 9.5 dark. Is it worth keeping them and waiting for them to return to veg or would I run into problems, poor...
  9. R

    Bio bizz nutes in sunshine

    I don't think the npk titration of their fertilizers really changes from country to country. I had asked the same thing of another Dutch organic fertilizer company and the answer was: "Local law often forces us to have the product analyzed at a local lab, and test results can differ". more...
  10. R

    looking for a decent White Widow source

    this is good stuff I know that the crosses with the widow (e.g. mohan ram) and also other strains, are produced by Shanti / Mr.Nice seeds and then branded and sold by Sweet seeds
  11. R

    Shishka blues

    I don't know anything about this shiksa cross, but if you are looking for seeds of Shishkaberry, Satiro seeds carries it.
  12. R

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    yes, I ordered from their official shop for Europe, They also confirmed that the seeds are the same as those sold for the American market. Only the quantities in the packages change, 10 reg, 10 fem, 5 fem or 3. Compared to those sold in the States which are 20 reg or 10...
  13. R

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    just ordered: Gazzurple, Poddy Mouth and Pistachio for the outdoor season. The breeder's description indicates for all three strains a finish time of mid-October at the latest, good outdoor performance and mold resistance. I hope to find something nice... in the meantime I'm looking for photos...
  14. R

    What Breeder would you label "The Saint of Cannabis" today?

    Scott Blakey aka Shantibaba created the white line. White widow, White Rhino etc... elaborating it from landrace variety. In addition to other strains developed from Nevil's lines, see Mango haze, Critical Mass, and others... Many breeders have started breeding from seeds or cuttings given by...
  15. R

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    I wanted to know if there is the possibility to buy packets of regular seeds of 20 in Europe. Those of Humboldt seed company Europe are of 10, and they cost a little less... Also, a doubt arises, are they the same seeds? or are they produced in Spain for the European market? even the packaging...