Recent content by Oldman13

  1. Oldman13

    Heated and pressed kief, anyone make it?

    Now all I got to do Is bundle this up in a time machine and send it back to 2014
  2. Oldman13

    Heated and pressed kief, anyone make it?

    Finger hash AKA DNA hash ... I say damn, It sounds like all you guys go for the hardest way of doing this!? Why not make a Tumblr and use a TP 3.5 along with a small torch lighter or solder lighter
  3. Oldman13

    Simple Dry Sift Screen Sizes - Good enough to mould together

    What if I only can get 75 micron mesh and I have no way of getting a smaller mesh hole What happens if I double layers of 75 micron mesh
  4. Oldman13

    Seeds From A Hermie..??

    Well you can't create a stabilized strain from feminized seed The only way you can create stabilized strains, I said stabilized strain is with bona fide real male and real female plants not feminized but you can create something strange and different then you we have a plant that is called clone...
  5. Oldman13

    Seeds From A Hermie..??

    I know this is an ancient article But I was replying because I don't understand why somebody here says just because That one seed came off of a hermaphrodite that most likely also will become hermaphrodite? I mean by saying that are you saying that all feminized seeds are going to become...
  6. Oldman13

    g13 labs suck assholes

    Oh okay so I replied to a 2017 thread I punched up what's going on recently and brought me to this thread next thing you know I'll be replying to a 1966 thread thinking it's today! Oh well at least everything is normal have a nice day no matter what year it is I guess Everything's Relative in...
  7. Oldman13

    g13 labs suck assholes

    yeah it's not child's play
  8. Oldman13

    g13 labs suck assholes

    LOL laughing my ass off you can't genetically create or stabilize a strain from a feminized seed not possible you might create a one-time plant that would have to be cloned in order to survive and stay that way but you cannot genetically create a strain with feminized seeds.... No it takes The...
  9. Oldman13

    g13 labs suck assholes

    Please don't misunderstand me I'm not sticking up for G13 Laboratories whatsoever and I certainly have not heard good things about attitude – – attitude has attitude birds of a feather flock together! 'And such delicious things come out of a–asshole – don't you think but sucking on one seems to...
  10. Oldman13


    Hula hula Booga Booga Boombah reply for eternity eternity I don't ever leave this area because you just where I have been posted I can not enter leave because I am a post I will be here in the year 30033 you must get the mostest out of your hostess I will haunt all of the future Generations to...
  11. Oldman13


    Jesus crisis 2011 what the fuck I so don't be such a take your freaking stuff down
  12. Oldman13

    Dr.Bronners foliar spray killed my buds. WHY? What now?

    I don't normally spring anything on my buds but want to smoke russet mites so I did spray peppermint Castile soap... And I saw no shriveling of the pistols what's the Weber but I only used 5 tablespoons of 18 and 1/2 of peppermint pure Castile soap 1 gallon of water nothing else,,,,, pictures...
  13. Oldman13

    How much PH up Should I use?

    Sorry for the typos I didn't see them before I sent
  14. Oldman13

    How much PH up Should I use?

    That's fantastic man I'm so happy that you it works for you so well I have mixed feelings on hydro call me because it just sounds like it's a lot of work in a lot of testing and keeping your system clean! But that's only hearsay that I've read I have no first-hand experience with Hydroponics...
  15. Oldman13

    Dr.Bronners foliar spray killed my buds. WHY? What now?

    I didn't think about this a minute ago but you said tap water was there chlorine in the tap water? I'm not sure what chlorine does to the pistols on your plant? But if he'd could shrivel them up I don't know? Hydrogen peroxide. Most definitely will though! I'm not saying never to use hydrogen...