Recent content by nedyah

  1. nedyah

    Growing pot is like taking care of a child!

    They know how to take care of themselves given proper conditions
  2. nedyah

    Having your own GrowRoom is better than.......

    Missnu, you have it spot on!
  3. nedyah

    CANADA To Ban All Personal Growing By 2012 WTF

    Cannabis could effectively replace Codeine in my opinion. I know this is technically morphine once digested but most people who are prescribed codeine usually have less serious pain. I believe it is also safe to say Codeine is one of the most commonly prescribed opiates.
  4. nedyah

    Coriolis effect on flower development?

    Or the trajectory at which a bullet can travel at long distances
  5. nedyah

    you can get away with MURDER in florida.

    In canada its actually very hard to defend yourself without being persecuted; its kind of shitty
  6. nedyah

    Neighbor said she can smell my grow.

    Would a cheaper Ozone generator be good for supplemental use?
  7. nedyah

    Anyone Grow mushroms using fan leaves

    No we listen to Infected Mushrooms ;P
  8. nedyah

    how I propse we stop drug mules!

    lol the US/Mexican border is riddled with tunnels. Scan Away! They even have mini submarines to ship cocaine as well.
  9. nedyah

    Did everyone else see that shit earlier then have everything deleted?

    But then google just logs it swell....
  10. nedyah

    wtf is your problem?

    - 400 watt hps / cfls - Intake / Outake - Seeds - Nutes - Media - Etc Theres even threads on doing this cost efficiently; just use the search bar
  11. nedyah

    wtf is your problem?

    K sry for being a dick. Its just you have to do your own research because something that works for me may not work for you or the next guy. If you simply make a list you will have your stuff in no time at all. Im operational and I've only been collecting equipment since october. All I can say is...
  12. nedyah

    snortable pot?

    I believe what you are looking for is the acetate of thc. Possibly? I remember reading a dangerous synth for it in a glovebox (as the gasses are deadly.) You are basically salting the the freebase; imho seems like a shitload of dangerous, expensive work for a bit of salted thc.
  13. nedyah

    wtf is your problem?

    Do you have nothing better to do than complain. The whole thing is pretty simple and should not take you 6 months to read. Don't expect to make a thread complaining about something and not expect anyone to bother you. Its all here and it only takes a few seconds to find. And this whole fucking...
  14. nedyah

    Synths That Are Similar To Shrooms

    Ive read you can do a pretty simple extraction from mushrooms with ever clear. Never tried it but it looked legit. Look it up.
  15. nedyah

    Small God Bud Plant / Can I use these UVB lights ?

    Here is my overall setup for germinating and growing small plants. I have a whole closet setup ready for when they get larger. The light is a 48 inch t8 I picked up for cheap. I have a single cfl beside the god bud to supplement the other lights. Now I know this god bud plant is small for...