Recent content by Mr. Mohaskey

  1. Mr. Mohaskey

    Converting DWC to RDWC

    Plastic threading doesn't strip too easy, but it is a 1 time tightening and done. Once tightened they cannot/should not be reused.
  2. Mr. Mohaskey

    Converting DWC to RDWC

    Grand scheme of things, your saving money. But I get it, $100 is $100. Especially in current market conditions when our dollar doesn't buy as much as it used too. Keep us posted either way you go. Others can learn, replicate, or improve based on all our posts here.
  3. Mr. Mohaskey

    Converting DWC to RDWC

    I did these for bulkheads. No too expensive, but depends on your budget.
  4. Mr. Mohaskey

    Converting DWC to RDWC

    I did this with the conduit with a 4 site tote system. About half ended up leaking and had to pull emergency silicone duty. After that run a tore it all down and spent the money for legit bulkheads at about $13 a PC from an online fish pond store. No issues since. Also agree with the square...
  5. Mr. Mohaskey

    Copper tip burn

    Thanks for the response @calvin.m16 Apreciate it. I have removed some lower growth, especially the stuff that looks bad. Lowered the EC a bit and been keeping a closer eye on things. May have gotten too lackadaisical with things for a while there. I don't doubt my mix could be the issue, but...
  6. Mr. Mohaskey

    Copper tip burn

    Have newer growth showing a burn of copper color. Think nute burn plus ph off due to being out of town for couple days. RDWC, 30 gallons, 1 plant. EC 1678 PH jumped to 6.3, down to 5.9 Temps 84f day, 74f night. Humidity, varies but high up to 67% at times. Getting dehuey for tent, Lung room...
  7. Mr. Mohaskey

    DWC water smells

    I don't have a chiller so I run sterile, don't really worry about rez Temps. 1 less headache, IMO, and cost to buy a chiller or build one compared to sterile is not worth the money for any gains that may or may not be observable. Again, my opinion. We all do it differently with great results...
  8. Mr. Mohaskey

    DWC water smells

    Look up Sterile rez and chlorine. Pool Shock is your friend. There is a link around here often sited and is good. $2200 clear rez for.... Some will pipe up with the link. Hopefully Edit: pool shock for NaCl
  9. Mr. Mohaskey

    RDWC pump gph help

    I use a 800 with another as backup in my rdwc waterfall setup. I don't think I am full utilizing the full amount with my pipe reduction into the the waterfall/spray. No good way for me to test either. Frankly I over did it and bought bigger than I needed. I tend to do that on most things.
  10. Mr. Mohaskey

    atrocity's Extremely Monstrous - DWC - Tropicana Poison F1 FAST (3) and Strawberry Cough (1)

    You currently using RO water? What is your nute strength and PH level? What are the ambient temp and relative humidity?
  11. Mr. Mohaskey

    Almost time!

    I would say 2-3 weeks more, and I wouldn't flush. Drying/curing is one of the more critical components of the entire process, spend some time researching and take in as much info as possible. Long and short of it though, most recommend to dry/cure at 60 degree F and 60% humidity.
  12. Mr. Mohaskey

    4x8 6 site fallponics help

    I used to have a 4 tote design similar to yours. Biggest issue was getting to the back sites for any maintenance. Also 2 plants per tote can possibly create root issues if you ever have a problem with 1 plant and it needs to be pulled. I use 2" sch 40 pvc for return, and they can get root...
  13. Mr. Mohaskey

    Sudden Issue

    I will give it a go. That had crossed my mind, but how quickly after the shock they turned, I started thinking, which is never a good thing.
  14. Mr. Mohaskey

    Sudden Issue

    PH between 5.8 and 6.1 Nutes are Jack's 3,2,1 at 1/4 strength
  15. Mr. Mohaskey

    Sudden Issue

    Hi all. This is my first run using pool shock for a sterile res. Had everything going well, introduced my plant to my RDWC system, had it running well for about 1-2 wks. Added pool shock of .9 grams for 30 gallons, and within 3 days of adding the shock my plant took a dive. Before and after pics...