Recent content by gwerns nugs

  1. gwerns nugs

    Miss my large gardens...time to step it up.

    Miss my large gardens...time to step it up.
  2. gwerns nugs

    Its about to go down.

    Its about to go down.
  3. gwerns nugs

    hey just saw that youve messed with the Casey Jones...wanted to know how it partner...

    hey just saw that youve messed with the Casey Jones...wanted to know how it partner insists on doing haf of our 4 lights casey...wanted to see some solid results or recieve some input before moving forwards! Thanks!!!!!
  4. gwerns nugs

    Gods Gift

    pics? prolly some 5 plant 1 light journal....bleeeehhhhhhhhhh
  5. gwerns nugs

    need feed bacc from anyone who grows purple kush strain

    id say your soil ph is fucked....sounds like it cant absorb the right nutes....i keep my soil at 5.8-6.2 by watering with only phd water and adding dolomite lime as a ph buffer
  6. gwerns nugs

    Outdoor pruning + pest question.

    dont remove during flower UNLESS you are in first 2 weeks IMHO....I take clones during weeks one and two of flower to shoot hormones upwards and elsewhere to the plant
  7. gwerns nugs

    Attn Nor-Cal growers, help please!

    ..Jack dream is just simple and yields ridiculously...sour D is a nice LARGE sativa....Snowcap does very well crack....go with hybrids stay away from indicas...they wont shoot as much
  8. gwerns nugs

    Attn Nor-Cal growers, help please!

    id say maybe next year....started far too bet would be to buy some large plants....good luck....i just threw out all my moms and my others I started a while back will be lucky to get 8 zips IMHO...I pulled a pack off each plant last year and they were prettty can check it...
  9. gwerns nugs

    30 plants, 2000-3000 dollars....

    1000w hps. cost 100 a month to run at 90 cents kwh.....soooo u gotta calculate your power consumption into your equation....if your total budget is ONLY 3k then id start with 4 my way up...if your are talking perpetual then really you could get away with adding one light every month...
  10. gwerns nugs

    18X18 sealed. Sentinel. Co2.

    theres flower room pics coming soon
  11. gwerns nugs

    12k - Water and Air cooled (marine water cooled A/C units), Sealed room, C02, Lumatek

    wow. keep the knowledge coming. congrats a CLEAN set up.
  12. gwerns nugs

    18X18 sealed. Sentinel. Co2.

    pics many a great strains...built the room very excited about 1 month into flower
  13. gwerns nugs

    OK if Dark period temperatures are higher than light period temps?

    Id say as long as the ladies have enough water and dont dry out i dont see why it should be an issue IF IF IF it stays below nighht temps r 60ish cuz i run my lights at cautious about humidity....
  14. gwerns nugs

    300w LED vs 1000w HPS Hydroton Drip Grow

    lol updates????? dry weight side by side comparison? stiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllll waitinggggggg post the results....
  15. gwerns nugs

    300w LED vs 1000w HPS Hydroton Drip Grow

    ? updates on DRY weight....