Recent content by gunntims0103

  1. gunntims0103

    Gunntims0103 Grow Journal

    Last night i placed the cutting into soil. I then cut off some very large leaves that were weighing the plant down. So far i have the light on it and its looking ok. In about 10 days il give a small tug to see if the stem took root into the soil. It still has a lively green color and nothing has...
  2. gunntims0103

    I need big time help CLIppings

    well sadly i dont have any type of rooting powerder or hormone for the stem (the side that gets planted) my clipping process looked somthing like this picture the right picture as a cup full of water thats been sitting for a few hours thats how i had part of my clipping then i tranplanted...
  3. gunntims0103

    Gunntims0103 Grow Journal

    Well i recently acciured some haze cutting from a close friend of mine and im gonna try and grow it. though i here that growing clipings is the most difficult and the hardest to do cause you need to constintly attend to it all the time and make sure that all the variables are correct. though i...
  4. gunntims0103

    I need big time help CLIppings

    i guess ima just throw the clipping in some sterdy soil and see what happens:-|................ i dont expect much or anything at all as this is my first clipping experience this is just for experimentation value as of now cause i have no pyrite and no rooting powder - any one with inputs on my...
  5. gunntims0103

    I need big time help CLIppings

    omg i had the cuttings for quite some time now in the water do ya think i cant do it anymore cause i think its no good anymore but it is all green and still looks fresh from the plant -is there a time limit and will an extended amout of time ruin your cutting??? thanx -also about snipping my...
  6. gunntims0103

    I need big time help CLIppings

    i wish i had pyrite right now i just have soil and i have the cuttings in the water for 2 hours now:cry:................ i just hope this will work there really good cuttings and thanx for the advise
  7. gunntims0103

    I need big time help CLIppings

    i recently acuired some haze clippings actually im trying to figure out how to work with it my friend has 4 haze plants both females. i asked him for clippings. he told me that i have to cut the stem of the plant in a angle like this / i did so then he said put it in water for a lilttle...
  8. gunntims0103

    Gunntims0103 Grow Journal

    The head of the sprout has appeared at the surface but its a yellow color i think something is wrong i tolk it to my friend so that he can take a look at it . The sprout will be there for some time until i find out whats going on
  9. gunntims0103

    Gunntims0103 Grow Journal

    Well as of now the plant seems to be doing well . I just recently added another seed . The temp in the grow room seems to be around 85 deg . I think thats ok. the sprout is coming in nicely it shouldnt be long now . I think im watering it too much and too often . I give it water every 5-6 hours...
  10. gunntims0103

    Gunntims0103 Grow Journal

    The set-up that i have is some what primitive it only consist of a halogenic light some aluminum foil to keep the heat in . A small pot with soil in it. il post a pic tommorrow hopefully. The seed has been planted for 2 days now hopfully it will sprout soon
  11. gunntims0103

    Gunntims0103 Grow Journal

    The germination process was completed about 2 days ago . my lack of internet service prohibited me from posting in my grow journal for some time now. Out of the 13 seeds ONLY 3 of them actually showed roots coming out of them . I took the one with the longest root that was showing and planted it...
  12. gunntims0103

    Gunntims0103 Grow Journal

    The germination process has already started the 3rd day will be tommorrow so thats when il be planting my first seed. Il try and post pics up if i can. I also cleaned out my grow area so i have to update the size of my grow room with the proper dementions . Il be getting soil and nutrients...
  13. gunntims0103

    Gunntims0103 Grow Journal

    This is my grow journal . I ask that NO ONE post in my grow journal . These are the variables that im using to grow my plant . -One seed (only one plant for starters , just to see what will happen) -One halogenic lamp (emits u.v rays and 15% more heat) -One pot -Neutral soil(mixed with...
  14. gunntims0103

    Germinating Seeds

    i have a two part question that was probally answered all ready but im stoned -what is a good temp for germinating my seeds -what light cycle do i put my plant on when i first plant it will it have to be on a 24 hour/2 week cycle and then put it on a 18/6 hour cycle??? thanx
  15. gunntims0103

    Need Help!

    blue berry really great stuff....... i just havent got my hands on really good seeds but im looking...... i just got my light set-up so im good there once i mix my soil and things il germinate my seeds and then plant them i really only want one plant but im going to have to do a...