Recent content by getsoutalive

  1. G

    Counter top vacuum still w/reclaim

    Interesting new product, vaporware still actually. Would make QWET easier and much more affordable.
  2. G

    Most efficient pots

    With pure coco as medium, smart pots can be set in saucers and bottom fed. Sitting in stagnant solution all day. Do not allow them to dry out, always some solution in the saucer. Get DWC grow speeds without the expensive complicated systems. Could not be easier. Maybe take your EC down a...
  3. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    It is not my design, imaginary or real. It was the design posted in the OP. My original point, that got so very confused, was simply that a vertical HPS installation is far more efficient than the horizontal and that the COBs were in for a tough comparison. I already agreed with most of what...
  4. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    Fine, can't compete may be overstating it. But, as I said upthread, I believe that in a horizontal growing style, a properly designed COB system can replace HID at 65-75% of watts input. I doubt you will be able to replace the performance of the HID with less than 90% of the power input and...
  5. G

    Hello from the other side,I told you fools a 1000 times

    Thank you. I feel like I am in the twilight zone there. Just bad design and finger in the ears levels of ignorance and immaturity.
  6. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    Just so we are straight. You start a thread called "High power cob vs hps vertical shootout." I try to explain that the output pattern of each leads to a very difficult comparison for the cobs and they won't be able to compete. You go off on a rant giving me a math lesson about how you are...
  7. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    COBs obviously kick ass. However, the right tool for the right job, always. For vert, COB is the wrong tool. The radiation pattern alone should make that obvious. For those that grow horizontal and have heat problems with HID, COBs are a no brainer, just as bare bulb HID is for vert. I...
  8. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    WWS, you are correct. COBs just can't compete vertically. Said this two weeks ago up thread and got yelled at for all kinds of crap that I never said. COBs are just now passing HPS in a horizontal hood setup. The bare vertically hung HPS is far more efficient than horizontal mounting in a...
  9. G

    C02 ethanol extraction

    Not sure about the dry ice freezing, sounds interesting. But, the heating in the still will drive off all those terpenes you are trying to capture with the fresh frozen.
  10. G

    Passive Hydro, or Sips , or Wicks or Octopots, Anyone using them?

    Saucer + fabric pot + coco + bottom feed = win
  11. G

    Making THC e Liquid

    dont use vg go read a bit in the concentrates section you want peg and pg, vg will not stay mixed
  12. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    Yea, was just thinking out loud about how to maximize a given volume. So the LEDs are having a hard time keeping up, huh? Gee who could have foreseen that..... "Vert is one area that I think the COBs make less sense." That is the first sentence of my first post in this thread. You know, the...
  13. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    The CXB1512 is pushing 200 lm/w at 5w each. The CXB1304 is around 180 lm/w at 3w
  14. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    It may not be what you read, but that is what I said. Anyway, I have been giving this some more thought, particularly the reduced distance from the light source part. Sure, you can reduce the radius of your ring and perhaps add more towers in the same room. But what if you took that to the...
  15. G

    High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

    Good point. If you could bring in the diameter of each ring, you may be able to get additional towers into the same space at similar power levels. Personally, I really like idea of custom placement of each chip. For a vert installation the pin fin design modular heat sinks will work at up...