Recent content by fraGx

  1. F

    Help colas turning black around the edges?

    I'd raise the ph closer to 6.5 for a little...looks like molybdenum deficiency along with a possible phosphorus deficiency. Give it a chance, you'll be happy if you want a healthy plant. Also, look at the trichomes before harvesting. Mostly Cloudy with 20% amber is your best bet!
  2. F

    help with portable ac unit

    yes, thats equivelent of using two computers for as long as you're running that. I'd try and set a timer up if u don't want to use a lot of power.
  3. F

    Im going to grow every single Cheese

    Cheesus! Get it grow it!:-p
  4. F

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    Someone stated that they didn't see any cool color patterns or visualizations in any sense. I'm letting you know if you close ur eyes at all during this wreckless activity you will see some fucked shit. Then open ur eyes and ur friends will be tripping and they are more wacked out then you are...
  5. F

    is shooming in public ok

    haha drugs rock. good times
  6. F

    DWC and H2O2

    You don't need it but if you do use it don't use it with fox farm. Most organic nutes used with h2o2 won't go well because h2o2 will kill almost half of the good nutes from the organic nutes. Just plant, give them enough light, don't drown them, and don't feed them for atleast 2 weeks after they...
  7. F

    Bubbleponics/Fox Farm Questions

    Premix the solution in a bucket or another res and then use that ph'd and nuted water to fill up ur main res when you feel the need to. Remember when ur roots get longer it's fine to have the water level down so the roots get more air.
  8. F

    Roots and Airstones in DWC?.....

    Or you could just weight the airstones down under the roots. I think that would be better..
  9. F

    New attitude layout? No More 10% off code?

    Discount still works..hurry and order them up though i guess. :)
  10. F

    Inline Fan/Carbon filter, run 24/0 or intervals? (PICS)

    Flowering is 12/12. Won't flower on 24/0 unless if you have a uvb light on it as well, maybe. 18/6 is good it promotes more stem growth. If you want use ur dark time as the time when people are most likely to be around it. gl.
  11. F

    no air pump- will my plants last?

    I'm getting air stones and pumps within the next 2 days. I wanted to know if the plants i have will last in standing water until then. the roots are slightly submerged in water, I'm good until then right?
  12. F

    no air pump- will my plants last?

    I'm getting air stones and pumps within the next 2 days. I wanted to know if the plants i have will last in standing water until then. the roots are slightly submerged in water, should i be alright?
  13. F

    FiRsT iNdOoR hAwAiI gRoW

    Bahaha the 2nd pic from the bottom it looks stoned. LOL I bet he's in heaven. :hug:
  14. F

    More buds!

    yeah i was planning on this, but has anyone tried this and are sure that it works or not. Also how do you get next generation plants? :)
  15. F

    More buds!

    A grower once told me that if you cut a stem containing leaves 4 inches or more two buds will grow instead of just one. He said that once they were 4 inches long they reached their max thc level and it will grow into two stems each containing a bud. True? Also he told me that he had plants...