Recent content by fg2020

  1. F

    anyone compress their buds?

    Compression works great if you have a lot of weed to store for an extended period. Some boards and a C-clamp and you are in business. Vacuum seal the bricks. The buds don't need a great trim either; compression will spread the resin all over the bud. It is amazing to watch a garbage bag of dried...
  2. F

    hatred for being an atheist

    People who think that they are going to live forever have never given a second thought to just how long a time that actually is.
  3. F

    Why Is The Left In Such A Terrible Mood?

    Why do the Uncle Bunks, Cheesies, and C4s get their cocks tied in knots arguing about political issues? Because they know, in places they don't talk about at parties, just how truly fucked the US economy actually is. And, by extension, the global economy. A little money printing by the fed...
  4. F

    moving plants indoors from outdoors...

    Outdoors to indoors? The one time I made this error I had to call in a Napalm air strike to get rid of the spider mites. Never again. Maybe you can find a way to go from outdoors to outdoors (i.e. a different outdoor location).
  5. F

    Grow Setup

    Figure your wattage based on the size of the grow area, not the number of plants. Plants can take up widely varying amounts of space depending on how you control them.
  6. F

    How much wattage of HPS do I need per plant?

    HPS for all stages works great. Last time I checked, Lumatek makes a 250/400 ballast that is not only dimmable, but multi-bulb (meaning you can use either a 250w or 400w bulb). Cheapest bulbs come from Grainger. For a 3x3, I wouldn't go over 400w and the 250w option is very nice if you have heat...
  7. F

    starting clones off 12-12

    2000w for a 3x5 space? I'd cut that down to 1000w for starters. Figuring that the light will need 1' overhead and minimum 2' off the tops, that leaves 5' max. height from floor for the plants. Veg the clones out until they are 1.5' before switching to flower figuring they will extend 2-2.5 times...
  8. F

    Hemp depot A+ service

    Hemp Depot Canada success. Sent them cash. Shipping took 10 days to USA.
  9. F

    What is the best way to germinate seeds?

    The best way is the one that uses the least steps and the most compatible medium. 1. Soak unwrapped 1.5" rockwool starter cubes in a 1/4 strength nutrient solution for 24 hours (this step applies to clones as well). 2. Adjust solution pH and then remove cubes to a 10x20 flat w/dome and...
  10. F

    Outdoor to Indoor

    Well, then tell the dudes that the plants died, offer them the dried up leaves to smoke, and exclaim that this indoor growing thing is a lot harder than it sounds. The reason I mention decontamination is that outdoor plants will always have some spider mites on them. This isn't usually a problem...
  11. F

    Outdoor to Indoor

    Those plants are a lost cause. Scrap them immediately and decontaminate the area with a bug bomb and follow up with some bleach wipedown. Also, quit advertising your activities to kids, I guarantee plenty of people now know what you are up to. Next, do what you have to do to either get some...
  12. F

    Marijuana related stocks. Investment opportunities to become rich

    Your impression is mistaken. Penny stocks are priced in pennies to allow insiders and their manipulator buddies to pump the price with relative ease. They could just as easily reduce the share allotment to keep the price above $5 - which is typically the minimum price required for institutional...
  13. F

    How About a Boycott of Serious Seeds.

    Several seed banks carry the brands you note and will ship them to the USA. The bigger problem for the branded seed vendor is that a lot of them are based in the Netherlands. As has been noted by US Customs, most of the seeds they seize are from the Netherlands. Shipments from the Netherlands...
  14. F

    Flowering with Cree bulbs

    Photo #5 appears to be the best closeup of what is obtainable with LEDs. The problem with LEDs is simple: the individual LED light is extremely limited in output. What is the current max output for a single LED bulb? 5 watts or 10 watts? Either way, that limitation can't be overcome by massing...