Recent content by Chuck420

  1. Chuck420

    First time outdoors. Bagseed, outdoors from seed.

    Oh I was just posting it up to show people. Thanks!
  2. Chuck420

    Skunk #1: Ready?

    Hell yeah! That is looking nice I would love to grow that. Is the smell just killer?
  3. Chuck420

    First time outdoors. Bagseed, outdoors from seed.

    This was started from seed outdoors (don't have the option to start indoors) around the end of March. It was in a 1 gallon container, I just transplanted it into this big pot before the picture. Some bagseed.
  4. Chuck420

    First time outdoors. Guerilla style. Outdoors from seed.

    Hello fellow farmers. I've been around here for a while now, soaked up a ton of knowledge. This is the first time I've been able to grow outdoors. I've got a perfect, safe area on private land but I've never really done it right until now. I've got 3 plants in the ground scattered throughout the...
  5. Chuck420

    just a few bit n bats

    damn that is so nice I would love to smoke some exotic shit like that
  6. Chuck420

    Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil

    you do need a fan it would help it a lot.
  7. Chuck420

    Finally got some supplies :b

    good luck, I'm doing a nice simple organic outdoor grow this year too. I love it!!
  8. Chuck420

    Is this plot good enough? pics!!

    simply because if they are spaced out, they are harder to see. if you have 4 plants all right beside each other, it really sticks out more, easier to spot from the ground and the air.
  9. Chuck420

    Is this plot good enough? pics!!

    just space them out really good, no straight lines.
  10. Chuck420

    new to site

    Welcome! This site has taught me so much from just looking at other peoples stuff and reading the comments. If you want to learn to grow alot of good pot, all the info you need is here.
  11. Chuck420

    Rawr Mwootens 2012 outdoor! (2nd gen , first thread disappeared)

    I just looked though your whole grow from last year, dank!! I'll be watching this for sure.
  12. Chuck420

    quick question about manure

    How do you apply old cow/horse manure to plants already growing in pots?
  13. Chuck420

    Dr Grhinspoon+AK47 Personal breed pics.......

    looking good keep it up!!
  14. Chuck420

    Windowsill Grow Week 3

    Let the soil dry out more before you water again. Grab some 2 or 3 gallon pots for your upgrade. When you mix up your new soil for the pots I would add some perlite along with your soil. Also if you can pick up some blood meal, bone meal, and peat moss and mix that all in for a nice soil mixture.
  15. Chuck420

    Please Help!! Heavy Rain is damaging my baby!! (bending branches,tilting plant!"

    stake up every branch that you feel is leaning. put wooden stakes in the ground and tie up your branches. Looking awesome!